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Header Q1 2024


Huseby Squares NEW gif

Celebrities in Their Own Right

As much as Huseby’s Court Reporter Coffee Chats resemble the iconic game show Hollywood Squares (now Celebrity Squares as fall 2023), let the record show that it’s so much more.

In lieu of comical triva, Court Reporters laugh about shared experiences. For example, how should interjections such as "aaaaaah!!!" or "awwwwwww!!" be handled? How about attorneys who speak over each other? What about the remote depo attorney who does not put the camera on?

These are just a few informal topics of conversation from participants who hail from Alabama, California, Connecticut, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia – to name a handful of states!

With coffee or tea in hand, Court Reporters casually “stop by” to say “hello” and mingle with other reporters, No presentation. No agenda. No scheduled end time. Just reporters mingling with other reporters offering thoughtful insights, tips, and current trends.

Court Reporter Coffee Chats are held at 9 am (every time zone) on the last Tuesday of every month. No RSVP required. Hope to see you there!


Court Reporter Coffee Chat

9 a.m. on the Last Tuesday of Every Month

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Meeting ID:  966 806 6971

Dial-in Option: (773) 231-9226