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Gratitude and Appreciation All Year Long


Huseby Coffee Chat 12 12 24 b


ZOOM Link:

Meeting ID: 860 6794 2590

Dial-In Option: 646 931 3860

In a profession where speed and accuracy rule and unpredictable hours ensue, there is often little time to mingle – let alone network.

In brief… Huseby’s Court Reporter Coffee Chats intention is to offer a venue for reporters like you to “stop by” spur-of-the-moment (no R.S.V.P. required) to chat with other reporters “off the record.” After all, who understands the demands of court reporting better than other court reporters?

The holidays are a time of gratitude and connection, and we at Huseby sure appreciate ALL you do! Enjoy the season’s festivities. Spread joy and laughter!
