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Exclusive HusebyConnect Webinar


We are excited to invite you to an exclusive webinar introducing HusebyConnect, the #1 remote deposition platform in the industry.
The 15-minute Zoom webinar will be held on May 20 at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) and will cover the following topics:
          -  Overview of HusebyConnect and its features
          -  Live demonstration of HusebyConnect's Simple Exhibit Tool in action
          -  Q&A session with our experts
          -  Check out our PDF:  'HusebyConnect Simple Exhibit Tool''
This webinar is an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about HusebyConnect and how it can dramatically enhance your remote deposition experience. We encourage you to invite your team and colleagues to join us for this informative session.

100-Attendee Limit - Register Today to Reserve a Spot  

Register for HusebyConnect Webinar


HC Simple new



  • Integrated with Zoom

    You're comfortable with Zoom and you trust it more than any other platform to provide clear audio, video and easy connectivity, but many clients often voice frustrations by the limitations of Zoom when presenting exhibits. If you have those same frustrations working with your exhibits, you're gonna love HusebyConnect!

  • Easy for the Witness

    HusebyConnect solves for your witness what other platforms struggle with. HusebyConnect is browser-based, with no downloads required.  There is only one link to join the audio, video, and view the exhibits.  Your witness can scroll through the exhibit independently and has easy access to courtesy copies.

  • Easy Exhibit Presentation

    With HusebyConnect you are not limited to simply screensharing your PDF when presenting exhibits. HusebyConnect provides a sleek, professional exhibit interface, with the ability to number your exhibit, easy downloadable courtesy copies, and provide directly to the court reporter.


CLICK HERE to Learn More About HusebyConnect