Huseby's Top Trial Topics of 2023
Top 3 Most Viewed Trial Resources of the Year
Throughout 2023, we developed how-to and informative landing pages—with whitepapers, videos, and guides—to help you and your team prepare for and present your case at trial.
This week we are looking back at the resources our clients have viewed most.
1. What Makes a Compelling Trial Graphic?2. An Expert Guide to Timelines for Trial
3. Take your 2023 Trial Presentation to the Next Level
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Top Topic 2: An Expert Guide to Timelines at Trial
Demonstratives and illustrative aids are often your most powerful evidence. Specifically, timelines organize all relevant events of a case into a clear and logical order - helping the jury understand the relevant evidence - and strengthening your arguments.

Top Topic 3: Take Your Trial Presentation To the Next Level
Consider us a valuable part of your trial team. We have assisted top firms in securing over $4 billion in jury awards and favorable settlements. Our role is to blend in with your team, and provide you with the support and preparation that enables you to win.
Demonstratives: We apply expert design, best-in-class technology, and the latest research to ensure your trial demonstratives stand out and tell your story.
Trial Technology and Support: Remove the stress of trial presentation with a Huseby 'hotseater,' bringing 20+ years experience to your trial team. In trial, we stay a step ahead, allow you to focus on the judge, the jury, and the witness.